Va Até a Baleia encalhada Whamon e Digite...
Player: Hi
NPC: Whamon The Searoute Traveler: Hello Koushiro Izumi,
I am Whamon, Jijimon asked me you to travel with you to Freezeland when he grat you the right to get there,
wanna grant the acess?
Player: Jijimon
NPC: Whamon The Searoute Traveler: Jijimon's house is at the north of Elecmon.
Fale: House
NPC: Whamon The Searoute Traveler: When you reach him,
ask about PLACES TO GO so he will explain better what jobs you have to do before I sail you to freezeland?
Are you ready to start your job?
Player: Yes
Agora Vá até Jijimon The Guardian Que fica atras do Templo.
Player: Hi
NPC: Jijimon The Guardian: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I think you need something from me, but Whamon told you where you are suposed to go??
Player: places to go
NPC: Jijimon The Guardian: Oh yeah ! So I need to know if you know all places on this island.
Fist I need you to meet the Mushrooms,
just use the Mushroom part at top size.
Agora ele pede pra você pegar o Mushroom vai até o Deserto no final dele >>>
depois desse encontre o cogumelo gigante e fique clicando até aparecer a Mensagem
12:48 You just reached the top Mushrooms!
12:48 You already have mushrooms!
Volte até Jijimon The Guardian.
Fale: Hi
NPC: Jijimon The Guardian: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I think you need something from me, but Whamon told you where you are suposed to go??
Fale: Task
NPC: Jijimon The Guardian: Nice one BRO! Did I spok it correctly?...
anyway.... now go and find some Lavae, it's on top a mountain... but TAKE CARE...
some Demi Meramons acidentaly attack you when you walk too close.
Agora ele manda você ir até a montanha de Demi Meramons e encontrar uma "Lava" Fica no Ultimo andar da Montanha.
Fique Clicando até aparecer a mensagem.
It's weird... but a Demi Meramon Spawned.
Pronto volte ao Jijimon.
Fale: Hi
Jijimon The Guardian: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I think you need something from me, but Whamon told you where you are suposed to go??
Fale: Task
18:09 Jijimon The Guardian: WOW NICE ! Now the last task. Go to the snowy and find the brunch now, it's hidden in a snowy dead tree at the east top part.
Agora Jijimon manda você ir até o Gelo e pegar um Galho de uma Arvore seca.
Ao achar a Arvore Clique nela até aparecer a mensagem.
It's weird... but a Nyaromon Spawned.
Pronto volte ao Jijimon.
Fale: Hi
Jijimon The Guardian: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I think you need something from me, but Whamon told you where you are suposed to go??
Fale: Task
18:32 Jijimon The Guardian: Now you are ready to grant your access to Whamon! Tell her I sent you, the secret pass is DEFEATANALOGMAN !
Agora vá até Whamon!
Fale: Hi
Whamon The Searoute Traveler: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I am Whamon, Jijimon asked me you to travel with you to Freezeland when he grat you the right to get there, wanna grant the acess?
18:36 Whamon The Searoute Traveler: Oh Well...
so Jijimon Let you know the secret pass. Everything looks fine and we can go to Freezeland... But... wait !
Something went wrong. A koromon was corrupted by the evil power.
Defeat him and set him free ! I need a prove that you let him free ! Good Lucky!
Agora ele manda você matar um Koromon Maligno que Fica atras do Gelo.
Mate o Koromon apos matar abre seu DigiEgg e clique no Item do Corpo e será teleportado.
You defeated the Corrupted Koromon and Granted acess to Freezeland. You prove your job due to sacrifice of aCorrupted Keychain to stabilish the digital world peace!
Apos ser teleportado vá nos canto da ilha e abre os baus para ganhar seus Gift e sua Pedra de first champion.
depois de ter pego o items volte até a baleia Whamon.
Fale: Hi
NPC: 20:02 Whamon The Searoute Traveler: Hello Koushiro Izumi, I had doubts about you... but now I know you will help to save de digital world... so What about going to Freezeland now?
Fale: Yes
Pronto Quest Terminada e agora você começara uma nova Aventura em File City.